Webpage of

Dr. Scott Wright







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This is where I am at, and what I've been up to. 

In the mid 1980's I took the opportunity to fulfill a lifetime dream and join the U. S. Army. Little did I know what was waiting for me, and what this one decision would have such a positive impact on my life. This action opened every door of success, and my future destiny that I never expected. Life truly is a full circle.

I have always wanted to serve my country, and it's now going on 23 years. Luckily, my initial training was in CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Warfare) defense to ensure the security of this nation. Joining the U.S. Army  is one of the best decisions I ever made, as it gave me the opportunity to travel extensively throughout the world including (West and East Europe, Middle East). Finally, after years playing in the mud, ice, snow, heat and bugs decided to go back to school and went to Texas A&M. Ten years almost to the day I returned to California to study at USC (University of Southern California) School of Pharmacy ultimately getting my Pharm. D. (Pharmacy Doctorate) 

As is (typical of the Army) 15 days after taking my state boards I was once again given orders and sent on another Combat Deployment for Operation Enduring Freedom. Well, I had to put my career on the back burner, but it all came together and returned having completed my mission.

The military is not all about war, but to shove down your throat, leadership, leadership, leadership. Also, integrity (do and say what is right), and a can-do-attitude.



New updates,,,, I finally became an officer by Direct Army Commission and act of congress as US Army Pharmacist! (It was about time!)

Just playing Rambo and got paid too

 Greatest Army Motto "Lead By Example"







Texas A&M University

Graduated 1997


USC Homepage (Click Here)

USC Pharmacy School Homepage (Click Here)

USC School of Pharmacy Doctorate Program, (Pharm D.)

Graduated 2002



 (Academic Honor Society Memberships) 

Golden Key is the largest collegiate honor society in the world! Membership into the Society is by invitation only, to the top 15%

  Golden Key International Honour Society


 Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society

Psi Chi is the National Honor Society







Medal Count





















































1st Cavalry Division

1987-1991 (TEXAS)



Oct 14, 1990-March 7, 1991 Operation Desert Shield/Storm. 1st Cavalry Division, under the 18th Airborne Division

(click here) Map of where the Scud hit 1 mile away


 68th Chemical Company,

 Fort Hood, Texas


1st Armored Division


1991-1995 Germany, 1st Armored Division, Kirchgoens Ayer's Kasern, (North of Frankfurt)

2/3 Field Artillery

What else did I do in Germany



1995-1997(Bryan, Texas)

420th Engineer Brigade, Army Reserve Bryan, Texas

1997-2003(Los Angeles, California)

349th General Hospital Army Reserve, Los Angeles, California



Where in the World is Kosovo (Click Here)

3/1/2003 Deployed to (Kosovo, Eastern Europe) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Operation Enduring Freedom

 Yep They called me again!


2004-2008 Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)


2008-2010 2nd Medical Brigade


2010 to present 807th Medical Brigade

Some other interests... 

Computers, hiking/camping, and reading.  



Thanks for Visiting


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This site was last updated 09/05/10